azinoapte a nins, astazi lumea face jogging. maine… cine stie… :-)
E tare frumos si e foarte placut sa ii descoperi pe rand pe fiecare in parte, in singuratatea lor fuginda :)
Banui ca programul teve e naspa-rau, ca altfel nu-mi explic – asta nu e parte din fondul genetic al glorioasei mele natii…
[I hope to have annoyed nobody with this one :)]
So many snow yet When is this photo from? (i have the feeling my sentence is in a poor english…) Well you understood me
‘from’ yesterday morning! :-)
hihihi, troniule, stii tu ceva-ceva… :-) astia erau un grup de sportivi :-P
Mmm is troniu laughing at me? :)
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E tare frumos si e foarte placut sa ii descoperi pe rand pe fiecare in parte, in singuratatea lor fuginda :)
Banui ca programul teve e naspa-rau, ca altfel nu-mi explic – asta nu e parte din fondul genetic al glorioasei mele natii…
[I hope to have annoyed nobody with this one :)]
So many snow yet
When is this photo from? (i have the feeling my sentence is in a poor english…) Well you understood me
‘from’ yesterday morning! :-)
hihihi, troniule, stii tu ceva-ceva… :-)
astia erau un grup de sportivi :-P
Mmm is troniu laughing at me? :)