nu de viteză depinde.
ţine de curaj. aia era.
e un melc infinit care zimbeste cu un ochi :) f frumos
iti doresti sa poti incerca orice atat de incet incat sa te intorci nimic sa nu repeti atat de repede incat sa te misti oricand
acel “poti incerca orice” imi apartine
Good one, Nichita!
hehee, nichita, spune, it’s it ironic. wonderfully ironic [Enter the following code (if you don’t understand the letters, please reload this page BEFORE you write your comment): SNOW ] ironic again
dear mary greensnail: sorry to disappoint, but i was actually serious.
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nu de viteză depinde.
ţine de curaj. aia era.
e un melc infinit care zimbeste cu un ochi :)
f frumos
iti doresti sa poti incerca orice atat
de incet incat sa te intorci
nimic sa nu repeti atat de repede
incat sa te misti
acel “poti incerca orice” imi apartine
Good one, Nichita!
hehee, nichita, spune, it’s it ironic. wonderfully ironic [Enter the following code (if you don’t understand the letters,
please reload this page BEFORE you write your comment): SNOW ] ironic again
dear mary greensnail: sorry to disappoint, but i was actually serious.