fresh domain
starting today I am the proud owner of domain.
please update your bookmarks to :-)
starting today I am the proud owner of domain.
please update your bookmarks to :-)
am reuşit să termin design-ul cu cer şi ceai īn două variante de culoare, stānga – dreapta. place? :-)
traffic: 633.43 MB
visits: 707
unique visitors: 302
new visitors: 262
repeat visitors: 76
unique hosts: 281
unique pages: 149
pages viewed per day: 180
pages viewed per visit: 8
length of visit: 9 minutes, 16 seconds
visits per day: 23
visits per week: 161
unique visitors per day: 10
new visitors per day: 9
repeat visitors per day: 2
Visitor repeat rate: 25.2%
Top keywords:
ceai la cotroceni
viata la tara
radu de la afumati
piata muncii
papa bun
gara de nord
Busiest date: Tuesday, 30 March, 2004
Busiest day of the week: Wednesday
Busiest time: 14:00 – 15:00
Astăzi am instalat WordPress 1.0.2. Mai trebuie īnsă să termin layout-ul, care se va schimba un picuţ. Pānă atunci… rămāne cel din oficiu.
I decided there will only be 7 (seven) friends to post on this web journal, each of them once a week, on a certain week day they choose. weird, huh? :-) well, it may be… but this helps me feel at home, for one hand, and takes care of my little band-width, for the second.
the following are already listed:
Monday – tajiro
Tuesday – printfluke
Wednesday – serban
Thursday –
Friday – adi
Saturday – arnaud
Sunday – irina
(?)-ones are nicely asked to confirm :-)
Given this ocasion I’d like to officially dare my sister, Irina, to join the club and unleash that Canon already! :-P
bloggingly yours, Radu (aka andreiard).
I’ve just posted some images within 1/day category, starting from January 16. Try the calendar function and you’ll get there in no time!
So I edited the timestamp, so I cheated, so what?! :-)
Am mai făcut un pas către noul layout al bLog-book-ului! Home-page-ul arată OK, īnsă mai e de lucru la orice altceva. :-)
Please come back…
… numai ca inca nu stiu cum vreau sa apara si pozele. do I need a baby-sitter to watch my back? :-)
E drept că e ca şi cum ai vorbi singur… dar cateodata e mai bine să vorbeşti singur decāt… singur. Coerenţa nu-i obligatorie, nu? Cel puţin la inceput de blog…
eh, mi-e somn de mor… ma duc sa pun cornu’ jos!
Asta-i inceputul, cum ar veni… dea Domnu’ sa nu vina si sfarsitu’!
De la troniu am auzit de wordpress.
De la Adi Tanase am auzit de “blog”. :-)