no name
starting from today I have no name to associate anymore with #2 key on my mobile.
should I mention that #1 is the factory default for voice mail and it’s not customizable?
sad, isn’t it. here I start again from “abc”…
what action should I take? your advice is welcome and needed.
am I being too cryptic? well… she left me.
Imi pare rau. Ironic numarul 2… mai bine lasa-l gol momentan :(
Din cite am incercat eu la Nokia, daca apesi indelung tasta 1 iti intra casuta vocala, asa cum ai spus si tu; daca apesi normal tasta 1 si apoi tasta Navi, iti apeleaza numarul memorat la pozitia 1 in Speed Dial Options. Merita incercat.