ploo-n bucale


via 3G

fum si acordeoane


via 3G

redesign session!


the blog is under heavy redesign… expect errors and funny layouts!

vacanţa lu’ vara 2005 (nunta. partea a II-a.)



father & daughter - revisited  I say Sing!, you say How high?

the knot before God

the bride and the stone  the announcer said Go!

chaos and order

mother with daughter-bride in foreground  mother's last check

<20050625 - Irina & Arnaud wedding, Frejus, France>

cu bine, Coane Alecule.


cu bine, Coane Alecule!
Ambasadorul Golanilor, ultima oară în Piaţa Universităţii.

curat murdar
să-mi spună şi mie cineva ce căuta ăsta acolo… ba nu-mi mai spuneţi, că nu vreau să ştiu.

<20050905 - Piaţa Universităţii, Bucureşti.>

vacanţa lu’ vara 2005 (nunta I)


the night before the day

directions  father & daughter - special edition

free parking kiss  photographer spotted

ring spleen  her mother looking for his hand

the block-start

equilibrium  the start

<20050625 - Irina & Arnaud wedding, Frejus, France>

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